Haycombe Cemetery and Crematorium in Bath is holding an open day at the crematorium on Sunday 14th June, between 12 noon and 3pm, with all local people invited to attend.
Staff will be on hand to talk to those who attend, and tours will be conducted of the crematory every hour and half past the hour.
The first one at 12 noon and the last one at 2.30pm; doors will close at 3pm.
Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Services, Cllr Martin Veal (Conservative, Bathavon North) said: “These open days always prove incredibly popular – they are a good opportunity for the bereavement services team to talk to local people and explain our procedures and safeguards.
“A chat with someone over a cup of tea or coffee can dispel any false impressions and leaves people with a clear, unbiased knowledge of how things are really done, hopefully at a time when they are not suffering the emotional distress of bereavement.”