Charges to use public access computers in Libraries across Bath and North East Somerset are to be removed from 17th July, following a consultation with local users.
From 17th July, there will be no charge for anyone to use a PC in Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Libraries.
Sessions of up to 2 hours per day to use library PCs can be booked in advance, with further sessions bookable depending on availability on the day.
Printing charges of 10p for black & white sheets and 50p colour per page will remain.
In addition to free PC access in all libraries, free Wi-Fi is also available in Midsomer Norton, Keynsham, Paulton, Weston and Bath libraries.
At Bath Central Library, volunteer IT guides are now helping library users with all kinds of digital challenges from scanning documents, to setting up email accounts, downloading our e-books and accessing government or health information.
The IT volunteers are available Monday to Friday from around 11.00am – 5.00pm in Bath Central Library.
Cllr Martin Veal (Conservative, Bathavon North), Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “The current charging system limits the use of the library computers for some people so we have agreed to remove charges.
“As computers become more important in everyone’s lives we want our libraries to provide more support for customers to exploit the opportunities of the digital world and make the most of the technology available.
“We will continue to look at ways in which our libraries can develop to best serve our local communities and will be consulting with communities on what people want from their local library service over the coming months.”