Younger people across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are being given the opportunity to help shape how health and care services are provided in the future.
Over the next seven weeks, NHS and Local Authority organisations will invite all local residents to say what they need to live healthier and happier lives as part of a new campaign being launched today called ‘Our Health Our Future’.
Organisations involved are particularly keen to hear the often overlooked views of younger people who will be using services in the future.
Answers will be used by health and care providers as they work to publish a forward looking plan this autumn, which will set out how everyone will be able to access the services and support they need.
The new plan will outline a local response to priorities laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan which was published in January.
People will be able to share their views by filling in a simple survey online at or by asking for a paper copy.
They can also pass on their views at engagement events taking place across the local area over the next few weeks.
Tracey Cox, Chief Executive Officer for Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Groups said: “Health and care organisations and local authorities are developing a bold plan for the next five years that will ensure our services provide support through every stage of people’s lives – so they start well, live well and age well.
“In order to plan for the future, we need to know what matters, so we’re asking everyone to take a few minutes to fill in our survey and make sure their views are heard.
“Our Health Our Future is about capturing everybody’s views, but we especially want to hear what younger people expect in the future from our services.
“We also want local residents to make an effort to share their views with family and friends so, together, we can build healthier communities.”
Bath-based GP and board member of Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Brynn Bird said: “We know the way in which health and care is provided will change in the future, especially as our population ages and services come under greater pressure, and we’re developing a plan for how we will face these challenges.
“By filling in our survey, local people will be able to give us a good idea of the services and support they need to prevent ill health and stay fit.”
Alex Luke, Associate Director of Operations for BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership, added: “We know that young people across our area are concerned about lots of issues including access to mental health services.
“We need to know what help and support people will need in the future and they can let us know what they think in the Our Health Our Future survey.”
The Our Health Our Future survey is open until the end of July and takes around 10 minutes to complete.
It can be filled in online at, by asking for a paper copy at local GP surgeries or by sharing your views at one of our engagement events taking place over the area over the coming weeks.
Copies are also available by emailing [email protected] or by calling 03333 219464.
Survey answers are completely anonymous and will be treated confidentially.