The RUH’s Board of Directors and Governors have approved proposals for the acquisition of the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust (The Min) in Bath.
This follows approval by the RNHRD Board of Directors, formally supported by the RNHRD Council of Governors earlier this month.
In the New Year, a joint application will be put forward to the health regulator, Monitor.
Pending their agreement, it is anticipated that the earliest the acquisition will take place is the beginning of February 2015.
To ensure the proposed acquisition delivers the shared ambition of maintaining and enhancing patient care, the RUH is developing an integration plan with the RNHRD to describe how all their clinical services will continue to be provided in line with commissioner requirements.
Patients will continue to be seen and treated at the RNHRD as usual whilst our hospitals work together to deliver the proposed acquisition.