More people than ever before in Bath and North East Somerset are taking up free NHS Health Checks available through their GPs, according to newly published figures.
Around 6,300 people in Bath and North East Somerset have had an NHS Health Check in the last year, and nationally, more people than ever before are taking up the offer.
With 59% of adults classed as overweight or obese and 25,395 suffering from high blood pressure in Bath and North East Somerset, the benefits of having an NHS Health Check can be huge, if people at high risk are identified and are then motivated to adopt healthier lifestyles.
The NHS Health Check is available for 40 -74 year olds, and is an important step for many people towards improving their health and wellbeing.
Through relatively simple lifestyle changes, like healthy eating and being more physically active, people can lower their risk of developing serious, but preventable conditions such as; heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and dementia.
Councillor Vic Pritchard (Conservative, Chew Valley South), Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health, said: “Health checks provide a real opportunity for people to take control of their own health and it is encouraging to see so many people in our area actively engaging in this.
“All GP surgeries in Bath and North East Somerset offer health checks to eligible people once every five years.
“If you receive an invitation for your free health check, make sure you take up the opportunity.”
Dr Ruth Grabham, local GP and Medical Director at Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group said: “The NHS Health Check enables us to spot the early signs of conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or Type 2 diabetes and crucially to give advice on how to avoid these illnesses causing real damage.
“As part of the Health Check you’ll have your blood pressure, weight and height measured and be asked some straight-forward questions about your medical history and lifestyle.
“If you are aged 40-74 do take advantage of this free service. And if you received an invite a while ago and could not take up the offer at the time, it is not too late to make an appointment with your GP now.
“Many patients often tell me, that their NHS health check was the nudge they needed to look after themselves better.”
The free health assessment aims to identify and intervene earlier in order to improve people’s health and wellbeing, helping them to reduce their risk of serious, but potentially avoidable conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.
The NHS Health Check interactive guide provides information about what happens at the NHS Health Check, when and how to get one, and how to lower your risk.