Plans have been unveiled for a state-of-the-art cancer treatment centre at Bath’s Royal United Hospital, supported by a South West billionaire.

Plans for the new Dyson Cancer Centre at the RUH in Bath | Photo © Royal United Hospital
The Dyson Cancer Centre will deliver “world-class” outcomes and place patients’ experience on a par with the clinical care they receive when it opens in 2023.
Dedicated supporters, major donors and the public have so far backed the Forever Friends Appeal to the tune of nearly £10million to deliver it.
An RUH Trust spokesman said: “We have worked closely with patients, staff and other stakeholders in recent years to develop a proposal for our new Dyson Cancer Centre.
“Our new centre will provide a fantastic new facility for the clinical and holistic care of patients with cancer.
“We have submitted our plans and we await a decision in early 2020.
“In the last decade we have undertaken a significant programme of redevelopment to transform our site and further improve the services we provide.
“This includes building the Dyson neonatal care unit, a new pathology laboratory, a new pharmacy, a spiritual care centre, a new oral and maxillafacial surgery and orthodontic department and most recently the RNHRD and Brownsword Therapies Centre.”
The new cancer centre will replace buildings on the north of the 52-acre RUH site at Combe Park, constructed during World War II to house injured airmen, that are no longer fit for purpose.
They will be replaced with a state-of-the-art facility for cancer diagnostics and treatment to deliver “world class outcomes”, set within an enhanced green space.
The plans say: “The poor estate currently gives patients a suboptimal experience, particularly in the chemotherapy department and the existing wide distribution of cancer services across the RUH requires patients to travel around the hospital.
“The cancer centre will enable the provision of high quality services with world class cancer outcomes within a holistic, healing environment, where the patient’s experience is as important as their clinical care.
“There will be an emphasis on prevention, early diagnosis and development of services for patients living with and beyond cancer.”
The proposal is being supported by the fundraising efforts of the Forever Friends Appeal that to date has raised £9.7million.
A key donor is the Dyson Foundation, which has been involved in discussions about the design and appearance of the new building.
Sir James and Lady Deirdre Dyson are patrons of the cancer care campaign and said they had been inspired by its ambition.
Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporter