A unique opportunity to hear about plans to transform the current Breast Unit at the Royal United Hospital in Bath is to take place on Wednesday 17th April.
The hospital’s charity, The Forever Friends Appeal is holding an open evening for people to go and hear about the plans to redevelop and expand the Breast Unit, and why it needs the public’s support to raise £450,000 to make it happen.
Richard Sutton, Breast Unit Consultant at the RUH said: “Everyone is welcome to attend the open evening, it will include a tour and my team will talk about the work we do and the vision we have to further improve our Breast Unit.
“We want to ensure that the high standard of care that is already provided is complemented by a holistic approach that promotes wellbeing and recovery for our patients.
“We see and treat an increasing number of patients every year – around 6,000 referrals are made to our outpatients Breast surgery services – and around 400 of these patients will be treated for cancer.
“We hope by giving people an insight to our area of work in our existing facilities they will see why it’s important that we have a superb new Breast Unit to meet current demands and for the patients who will be referred to the RUH for treatment in the future.”
The NHS is providing £1 million of funding for new equipment in the Breast Unit and the RUH’s charity will raise the additional charitable funds for the refurbishment and expansion works as part of its 20th anniversary Special Appeals programme.
The work includes a new waiting area, providing a more welcoming and calming atmosphere, a new area for mammographic and MRI reporting and larger consultation suites and examination areas.
Patients will also benefit from a dedicated treatment room which will be pivotal in reducing the length of stay in hospital for patients.
There will also be space for essential survivorship support from dedicated staff, an outside area for private retreats, and quiet rooms for privacy and dignity where staff can carry out holistic needs assessments and assist patients with prosthetic fittings.
Tim Hobbs, Head of Fundraising, The Forever Friends Appeal said: “We are appealing to the public to support us and make a donation to our Breast Unit Special Appeal.
“We are excited to be fundraising for this area as we can go above and beyond what the NHS can provide.
“This means that patients will benefit immensely from a Breast Unit that promotes wellbeing and recovery, whilst providing the very best facilities for an ongoing patient-centred approach to care.
“If you’ve been a patient at the RUH, or are a friend or relative of someone who’s been treated at the hospital and would like to give something back to this unit, you can donate via our website, in person at the RUH alternatively, you can raise money by taking part in one of our fundraising events or leave a gift in your will to this Special Appeal.”
Karen Unsworth-White, aged 51 from Saltford and former Breast Unit patient said: “Finding a lump in my left Breast was quite a shock but the response from the staff in the Breast Unit was incredible.
“Once the diagnosis was made of a grade three invasive cancer, plans for surgery, chemotherapy and then radiotherapy were made. Although it was a pretty scary experience, I felt completely supported.
“I cannot thank my consultant and Breast nurse enough for the care, support, kindness and guidance they gave at a time when I felt overwhelmed. They got me through this and my family and I will be forever grateful for that.”
For further information and to book a place on the Breast Unit Open Evening, contact Jan Witt at The Forever Friends Appeal on 01225 825819, email: [email protected] or visit www.foreverfriendsappeal.co.uk.