A delivery of sleeper chairs and beds for patients’ families and carers has arrived at the RUH in Bath, thanks to a local man who left a gift in his Will towards the hospital’s charity.
Thanks to the generosity of the late Harold Cary, a retired local farmer, 21 sleeper chairs and guest beds have been purchased and are available on wards and in departments for families whose loved ones are in critical care, at the end of life, have dementia or have a learning disability.
Helen Meehan, Lead Nurse Palliative Care and End of Life, RUH said: “We’d like to thank The Forever Friends Appeal and acknowledge the benefactor for enabling our wards to support family members.
“The sleeper chairs and beds will really make a difference, providing comfort to families and carers who wish to stay overnight and spend precious time with their loved one.”
The hospital’s William Budd ward, which cares for patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy or radiotherapy, has also received a sleeper chair from a former staff member and her family who wished to support the unit in memory of their mother, Caroline Rubery who passed away in November last year.
Her daughter Vanessa said: “My mother worked at the RUH for 16 years and was a passionate supporter of the Trust. During her illness, she received excellent care as an inpatient on William Budd, and it was her wish that any money raised through the collection at her funeral should be used to buy equipment for the ward.
“The generosity of her friends, colleagues and family has enabled us to buy one of the sleeper chairs which will allow relatives to stay overnight with their terminally ill family member.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who looked after my mother, particularly the members of the Palliative Care team whose hard work ensured that she could spend her last few days at home as she wished.”
Jan Witt, In Memory and Legacy Officer, The Forever Friends Appeal said: “We are extremely grateful to Harold Cary for supporting the work of the RUH in this very special way and leaving behind his legacy of care.
“This is a good example and most importantly, how this type of giving can benefit hundreds of patients, their families and carers in many different areas of care and treatment across the Trust.”
The new sleeper chairs and guest beds are manufactured to meet hospital infection prevention requirements, storage needs and are designed for limited space requirements in ward bays, as well as being robust to meet the demands of frequent use.
If you are thinking about leaving a gift in your Will to support the work of the RUH or would like more information or speak to someone in confidence to help you come to a decision, contact Jan Witt, In Memory and Legacy Officer, via 01225 825819 or email [email protected].