People across the region are being asked to help reduce demand at local hospitals by supporting their loved one’s journey home or to their place of care this Christmas.
During the Christmas and New Year period, when hospitals are at their busiest, patients who are ready to be discharged can find themselves unable to leave due to having no means of getting home or their current living environment not being ready for their return.
Families and friends can help avoid unnecessary delays by providing lifts home from hospital, collecting prescriptions, ensuring a patient’s home is heated and stocking their cupboard with staple food items.
These simple steps help free up valuable bed space for new patients, many of whom will be in need of urgent or emergency care.
Sarah Richards, Acting Chief Medical Officer at the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Nobody wants to stay in hospital longer than necessary, particularly at Christmas, when they could be back home and spending time with family and friends.
“We know that being at home can really help patients with their recovery and wellbeing.
“So, if there is a loved one in hospital who is well enough to be discharged, please speak to ward staff to learn how family members can support their continued recovery at home.
“By getting those patients who are well enough to leave us back home, we are freeing up beds for those people who need urgent or emergency care.”
People are being asked not to enter hospital buildings, even if it is to collect a loved one, when feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of easily spreadable winter conditions, such as flu, norovirus or Covid-19.
Checking in on friends, relatives and neighbours regularly during the first few days of them being back at home, as well as asking if there is anything further they need, can also support their longer-term recovery.
Those who are providing support by arranging and collecting prescriptions are advised that many pharmacies will be operating under amended opening hours during the festive period, with most closing on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
Details of which pharmacies are open and when can be found online through the Find a Pharmacy search tool on the NHS website, which is available here.