The ‘Transforming Maternity Services Together’ consultation comes to an end on 24th February 2019, so there is still time to have your say on proposals for changes to local maternity services.
Organisers have already heard from over 1000 people, who have shared their views through an online survey, written in or attended one of the public events, drop in sessions or market stalls.
Lucy Baker, Acting Director for Maternity Services at Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Lead Director, said: “We would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to complete our survey so far, but we are keen to hear from as many people as possible, in particular those who are planning to start or grow their family in the next few years.
“We want to enhance the experience we provide for people using and working in our maternity services and provide more choice for more women.
“We‘ve been really clear that we’re not proposing to reduce how much we spend or reduce the amount of staff we have. We know that people value having services in their local community and we are not proposing to close any buildings as a result of this proposal – we’re proposing to continue providing maternity services in Chippenham, Frome, Paulton and Trowbridge.

Lucy Baker, Acting Director for Maternity Services
“You can find everything you need at We are encouraging people to take a few minutes to read through the information or view one of our short videos. You can also have a look at the kind of questions people have been asking and our responses.”
Sandy Richards, Transformation Midwife for the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire LMS said: ”As part of our consultation, we have been keen to talk to as many mums and families as possible to gain their views of our proposals.
“We are seeing a decline in the number of women choosing to give birth in a Freestanding Midwifery Unit. On average only one baby is delivered every two or three days in each of these units but they need to be staffed to support births 24 hours a day seven days a week.
“Proposing to support births in two rather than four of our Freestanding Midwifery Units means women will still have this choice, but we can also free up underused staff and resources to enhance our antenatal and post-natal and birthing services.
“We know that many women and families are concerned at the possibility of having to transfer from a Freestanding Midwifery Unit to an Obstetric Unit if labour is not progressing well or more support is required.
“That’s why this proposal includes creating an Alongside Midwifery Unit at the Royal United Hospital in Bath and Salisbury District Hospital, so more women who have a low risk of complications in labour and are otherwise fit and healthy could have a midwife-led birth, and staff in our Obstetric Units can focus on mothers who need to have their baby in this environment.”
The proposal offers the following:
- To continue to support births in two, rather than four, of the Freestanding Midwifery Units across Bath and North East Somerset, Wiltshire and Swindon. Women will still be able to have their baby in Chippenham and Frome Freestanding Midwifery Units, and antenatal and postnatal clinics will continue to be provided in all four – at Chippenham, Frome, Paulton and Trowbridge as well as all other current locations e.g. GP practices.
A detailed independent travel impact analysis was undertaken to inform the proposal, to continue supporting births in two of the Freestanding Midwifery Units.
- To create two new Alongside Midwifery Units, one at Salisbury District Hospital and one at the Royal United Hospital. These will enable women to have a midwife-led birth in a more relaxed setting without medical intervention but if support from doctors is needed there is direct access to the Obstetric Unit. These two units will be in addition to the White Horse Birth Centre that already exists at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon.
To improve the range of antenatal and postnatal services, for example by providing more breastfeeding support to women in their own homes. They also want to support more women to give birth at home if this is their preferred choice.
- To replace the nine community postnatal beds (four at Chippenham and five at Paulton Freestanding Midwifery Units) with support closer to or in women’s homes. Women who need to be admitted for medical treatment after giving birth would be treated in their local Obstetric Unit at one of the acute hospitals in Bath, Salisbury and Swindon.
95% of the time postnatal beds in the Freestanding Midwifery Units are empty as women rarely need to stay in a community hospital after giving birth. 89 antenatal or postnatal beds are available at the Obstetric Units for women who need them.
Lucy added: “We believe this proposal will considerably enhance the experience we provide for people using and working in our maternity services. It will allow us to offer more choice for more women, enhance antenatal and post-natal care and ensure we have the right resources in the right place at the right time.
“You might agree or disagree with our proposal, or have an idea to share – whatever your view is, we’d like to hear from you.”
The consultation closes on 24th February 2019. The responses will be independently analysed and the results used to help the Governing Bodies of Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Groups make a final decision by late spring 2019.