A recent legacy from a generous former RUH patient has provided another five years of funding for research into oesophageal cancer, one of the most common cancers in the UK.

Dr Ben Colleypriest, Clinical Lead for Gastroenterology
Oesophageal cancer accounts for 2% of all new cancer cases.
According to Cancer Research UK, over 9,000 cases are diagnosed every year and oesophageal cancer has a particularly low survival rate of just 12%.
Dr Ben Colleypriest, Clinical Lead for Gastroenterology at the RUH has been working in collaboration with the University of Bath for the past 15 years researching oesophageal cancer.
He said: “This generous gift bequeathed to our charity The Forever Friends Appeal will ensure that our important work will have a huge impact in continuing this vital research for another five years, funding a PHD student at the University of Bath.
“We are extremely humbled by this person’s kindness for choosing to support us in this way.
“We are undertaking gene research to understand why normal oesophageal cells change to Barrett’s Oesophagus, an incurable condition caused by acid reflux that is a precursor to oesophageal cancer.
“If we can understand the molecular cause of Barrett’s Oesophagus we can better understand how to reverse it and prevent oesophageal cancer.”
Jan Witt, In Memory and Legacy Officer, The Forever Friends Appeal added: “We are extremely grateful to the late Mr Bolton for leaving his legacy towards one of many hospital’s life-saving research projects that will help to develop new and better treatments.
“The Trust has an excellent reputation for its research and clinical trials that play a vital role in gathering evidence to improve treatment and care for patients in the NHS.
“For many people, choosing to support the RUH by leaving a gift in their Will is their way of giving something back to the hospital that will undoubtingly change the lives of future generations.
“We know that many treatments that are used every day would not be available if it wasn’t for investment from charitable gifts bequeathed to the work of the hospital.”
If you are considering supporting the RUH in this way and would like the opportunity to hear more about the research taking place at the hospital, call Jan Witt, Legacy Officer on 01225 825819.