Three local NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have appointed a single Chief Executive to oversee the ongoing improvement and integration of health and care services across the region.
Tracey Cox has taken up the position of Chief Executive of Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCGs and will also lead the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) for the region.
The STP brings together NHS providers, GPs, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Authorities, hospital trusts and other community organisations to join up and improve health and care services for local people.
Tracey was previously Accountable Officer for BaNES CCG and Interim Senior Responsible Officer for the STP.
She will oversee closer working between the three local Clinical Commissioning Groups, which will operate with a single senior management team, use their collective resources more efficiently and streamline their respective decision-making arrangements.
Her appointment comes as the NHS sets out its vision for the future in its new Long Term Plan, which emphasises the importance of health and care organisations working collaboratively and looks to give everyone the best start in life, world-class care for major health problems and help to age well.
Tracey Cox, Chief Executive Officer for BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCGs and STP said: “With our local health and care system facing unprecedented demand and financial pressures, it’s now more important than ever before that health and care providers work in a joined up and seamlessly integrated manner.
“Where it makes sense, we will work collaboratively to deliver health & care improvements for a larger population across the region. We will also continue with our existing plans for local integration and transforming services that benefit our local communities and are responsive to people’s needs.
“The views and the needs of people living in the local area will play a central role in the way we shape services in the future and we will be starting a programme of public engagement about this over the next few months.”
Dr Ian Orpen, chair of BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire STP’s Clinical Board, said: “Tracey’s appointment asserts the local health and care system’s commitment to integrated working which will deliver improved health and wellbeing, better services and better value for money for everyone living in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire.
Councillor Jerry Wickham, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Public Protection on Wiltshire Council and Chair of B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire STP added: “I’m delighted that Tracey has been appointed to oversee closer integration of health and care services across our region.
“It is only through working together as a truly integrated system that we will be able to help people to stay well, act early to prevent ill health and, where care is needed, make sure it is delivered in a joined up way.
“This move builds on existing good joint working across the three CCGs and local authorities and is in line with what is happening in other areas of England.”