Agencies across Bath and North East Somerset are joining forces to raise the profile of adult abuse, as part of National Stop Adult Abuse Week.
There will be events in Radstock, Bath, Keynsham and the Mobile Library Service during the dedicated week (15th-22nd June).
The council, emergency services, health, housing, voluntary and domiciliary care agencies work together to do everything they can to safeguard adults from abuse and neglect.
Maggie Hall is Safeguarding Adults Coordinator with Sirona care & health and said: “People often ask what is adult abuse? Abuse isn’t always physical it can be emotional, it can be financial or can take many other forms.
“And there aren’t any boundaries as to where abuse can be found; unfortunately, we see vulnerable people from across all backgrounds who have suffered abuse or neglect.
“It is important that we recognise that we all have a responsibility to keep each other safe in the communities we live and work in.
“Stop Abuse Week aims to raise the profile of what abuse is and where people can get help; events are being held across the area as well as extra training days for staff so they can learn to look out for signs of abuse or neglect.”
Signs can include unexplained cuts or bruises, a person showing fear or distrust of particular individuals or sudden changes of behaviour.
Serious pressure sores can be a sign of poor care or neglect. Somebody who is unable to pay their bills may have been the victim of financial abuse.
Adult abuse also includes doorstep cons; these too, often make the headlines.
A householder may be asked for a glass of water or to check the meter by someone at the front door while somebody else slips in and steals property or money while the householder is being distracted.
Cllr Vic Pritchard, Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health, said: “Everybody has the right to live in safety – free from violence, fear and abuse. We’re committed to ensuring that people are safe from harm right across Bath and North East Somerset, which is why we’re supporting this important week of events, advice and information throughout the district.
“Just one case of abuse is one too many – so we urge anyone who may have any concerns to come and speak to us in confidence, and find out more about the advice and support that is available.”
Events during National Stop Adult Abuse Week include: A stall at Radco Supermarket in Radstock and in Southgate Bath on 15th June with the SWALLOW Service for people with a Learning Disability and the Trading Standards Team highlighting doorstep crime.
At the Lansdowne Restaurant at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, between 10am and 2pm there will be members of the RUH’s Safeguarding Adults team talking about their work at the hospital.
On Thursday 18th June the Mobile Library Service will be informing visitors on how to recognise signs of abuse for the vulnerable adults in the community in particular relating to door step crime.
Maggie added: “If you are worried about someone but aren’t sure whether you should do anything, we’d much rather know about your concerns than not.
“It may not be something to worry about but a problem may be developing and we’d rather stop it progressing than get involved after someone has endured abuse.
“Please contact the local authority where you live to get help for someone you are worried about; don’t let it become a crisis or an emergency.”
In Bath and North East Somerset the ASIST (Advice, Signposting, Information and Safeguarding) Team is there to help and can be contacted on 01225 396000.
Stop Adult Abuse Week ends with a half day awareness workshop at Fry’s Club in Keynsham when the revised Adult Safeguarding Policy for Bath and North East Somerset will be launched and throughout the week Sirona will be holding training events focusing on financial abuse and domestic abuse.