Homes and businesses impacted by flooding between December and March could be eligible to apply to the Council for Government financial support.
A ‘repair and renew’ grant of up to £5,000, which will provide financial support to homeowners or businesses in order to pay for work to reduce the impact of future flooding can also be obtained from 1st April 2014.
This is open to both homeowners and businesses.
Businesses interested in applying for a Repair and Renew grant should email: [email protected]
Homeowners interested in applying for a Repair and Renew grant should email: [email protected]
Small and medium sized businesses affected by the floods can claim funding to develop and carry out business recovery plans.
The funding could cover immediate clean-up costs, materials, exceptional business costs and temporary accommodation.
Claims can be made immediately. More information is available via [email protected] or 01225 477 394.
Homeowners affected by the floods can claim a Council Tax rebate. More information is available via [email protected] or 01225 47 77 77.
Businesses that have been flooded may qualify for 100% Business Rate relief for three months. More information is available via [email protected] or 01225 47 77 77.
Councillor Caroline Roberts (Lib-Dem, Newbridge), Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “Although this area was thankfully not as badly affected as others across the south west, the Council wants to raise awareness of the financial support available for any resident or business who was impacted during the exceptionally wet weather.
“Our staff are on hand to give support and advice about these flood support schemes.”
The Environment Agency have released a range of new maps show areas at risk of flooding from rivers and the sea as well as new national scale maps of surface water flooding.
The flood maps share more information than ever before on where flooding comes from and what can be affected when flooding happens.
The new flood maps have lots of new features and pieces of information compared with previous flood maps which will help find the information you are looking for and also gain a better understanding of how flooding could impact on your community.
They identify the risk of flooding from rivers and the sea. It can be found here:§or=&frompanel=1