B&NES Council is running a public consultation as to how best to improve a significant portion of the towpath along the Kennet & Avon Canal between Sydney Gardens and Bathampton.
The towpath is one of the most heavily used sections on the canal, and is popular with pedestrians, cyclists, anglers and boaters.
Working with the Canal & River Trust and in consultation with local ward councillors, Bath & North East Somerset Council has developed preliminary proposals which include improving the surface for year round use and widening the towpath where possible.
The proposals will be presented at a public exhibition which will seek views on the proposal from the local community and users of the towpath and the canal.
The exhibition will run as follows:
- Friday 28th August, 2-8pm: Bathampton Village Hall;
- Saturday 29th August, 11am – 5pm: New Oriel Hall, Larkhall
Improvements are being made possible thanks to a successful bid for City Cycle Ambition Funding by the Council, which has been allocated £3.8 million over the next three years.
£650,000 is available to undertake the works on the towpath. This will include an improvement to the towpath along the Kennet & Avon Canal between Sydney Gardens and Bathampton, and two cycling facilities across the River Avon near Bath Spa Station and Locksbrook Bridge.
Cllr Anthony Clarke (Conservative, Lansdown), Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “The Council has been awarded a significant amount of money by Government for this project and wants to ensure that all users of the towpath have their say in how it is spent.
“I would encourage anyone who is interested to attend one of these events.”
The proposals will also be available to view on the Council’s website at www.bathnes.gov.uk