Children from Batheaston School have starred in a new short film which urges parents of Year 6 pupils to properly apply for a secondary school place for September 2019.
The three-minute film, produced by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Digital Learning Design Apprentice Matilda Baker, highlights the importance of parents filling in all five preferences available to ensure they are offered a secondary school place close to where they live.
Councillor Paul May, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said: “I know from experience appearing on camera isn’t easy, but the pupils from Batheaston School rose to the challenge.
“They clearly explained the importance of listing five school preferences on the application form. This is essential if, during this highly competitive application process, you are to ensure your child gains a place at a school within a reasonable travelling distance.
“It is particularly important for parents of children in Bath. There are five schools in the city and if parents do not fill out all five options their children could end up in a school outside the city.
“I shall be writing to our young film stars to congratulate them on their presentation skills.”
Bath & North East Somerset Council must receive all applications by Wednesday 31st October.
Late applications will not be considered until the second round of allocations next May.
Applications can be made via the Admissions Online link on the council’s website:
The Schools Adjudicator, in a report to the council, highlighted the fact that many children currently starting Year 7, who are travelling from South West Bath across the city to a school they didn’t name on their application form, could have secured a place at a closer school this year if only parents had used the five preferences available to them.
This year 81.3% of parents across Bath and North East Somerset obtained their first preference school, with 93% offered one of their first three preferences.
Each preference is considered equally against the school’s admissions criteria regardless of whether it is listed as the first, second, third, fourth or fifth preference.
Your highest preference school is always given first consideration, if you do not qualify for a place your second preference will then be considered.
Again if you do not qualify, your third preference will be considered and this continues down to your fifth preference.
Offers of places will be made on the 1st March 2019.