Ofsted has praised Combe Down CofE Primary School’s “relentless drive to provide the very best for all pupils”.

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The inspector who visited in November has this week published her report on the 410-pupil school, which has been part of Palladian Academy Trust since 2016.
She says the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous short inspection in March 2019.
Back then, the leadership team was told it had maintained the good quality of education that was evident at the last full inspection in 2013.
The report published this week highlights that pupils have “extremely positive” attitudes to learning and are keen to do well. The school is said to have high expectations for all pupils to learn well, and they do.
Pupils’ behaviour is described as “exemplary”: “They show great care and consideration to their peers and adults. Pupils are respectful and polite.
“They recognise the importance of treating others fairly. Disruptions to learning are rare. The school values of ‘be ready, be respectful, be safe’ help pupils to understand how to behave.”
The report adds that pupils are rightly proud of their school and there is a strong sense of community: “The school has a vibrant and caring culture. Staff know pupils well. There are warm relationships between pupils and staff.”
Staff swiftly identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and put appropriate support into place.
The trust’s ‘Palladian Promise’ and the school’s personal development programme provide a range of experiences for pupils.
Leaders meanwhile are said to be “tenacious” in the actions they take to improve attendance: “The school is explicit about the importance of being in school regularly and on time. It works closely with families to provide support. This has contributed to rising attendance.”
Governors and trustees check that the school’s actions are having a positive impact and staff and parents are “overwhelmingly positive” about the school.
The report adds that the school has worked with the trust to develop and strengthen the wider curriculum but some subjects are more securely embedded than others. To improve, the trust should ensure that the curriculum is developed well in all subjects.
The inspector also asked the trust to ensure that pupils have enough opportunities to develop and practise their handwriting.