The two St Saviour’s Schools in Larkhall have hailed their latest annual Wellbeing Week a great success, helping to boost mental health in both the staff and children.
This was the first year the activities were planned across both St Saviour’s Schools and the Nursery.
They were aimed at boosting mental health and showing children and staff ways to cut back on daily anxiety and stress.
Activities included relaxation sessions for staff and pupils, special playtimes where parents joined children to let off steam by taking part in there award-winning creative play sessions and healthy eating workshops taking the place of normal lessons.
The week’s theme focused on building mental and physical wellbeing and reflecting on how individuals can support the wellbeing of others.
This included the children making buckets filled with ‘kindness’ and boxes of things that make people happy.
Some of the older children baked healthy treats and took part in a circus skills workshop.
Executive Headteacher Joe Beament said: “We were really pleased with the success of last two Wellbeing Weeks and we wanted to spend another week thinking carefully about the physical and mental wellbeing of children, teachers, staff and everyone in our community.
“We used this week to have fun, learn new things and raise the profile of how important it is to look after yourself and look after each other.”
Mr Beament explained that due to its success of the past three well-being events, the week would continue to be a regular annual fixture, adding that the highlight of the week was inviting the community into the schools.
He continued: “We use this week to highlight the importance of wellbeing and that we all need to understand the pressures we face and how to look after ourselves.
“St Saviour’s staff have always supported the development of our children as individuals – the happiness of our children is the most important thing for us!”