Two men were arrested after patrolling police officers stopped and checked a car in Odd Down, Bath, in the early hours of Sunday 5th June, on suspicion of going equipped to steal.
Officers stopped two men in a car in Midford Road at about 12.20am.
Both men were arrested on suspicion of going equipped to steal after officers found bolt cutters, a hammer and other items in the vehicle.
Aaron Duthie-Myrie, 26, from Bath, was later charged with going equipped to steal and driving without insurance.
David Lill, 21, from Bath, was charged with going equipped to steal, permitting someone to drive with no insurance and possessing cannabis.
Both men were due before Bath Magistrates yesterday, Monday 6th June.
Neighbourhood Inspector Adrian Fallows said: “There has recently been an increase in reports of thefts from cars in Bath and the surrounding area and officers have been carrying out targeted patrols as part of our approach to tackling this problem.
“We can all play a part in helping to tackle crime by simply making sure our property is secure. Don’t leave any valuables in your vehicle and always make sure you lock it, set the alarm and keep the keys out of sight.”