Avon and Somerset’s PCC Mark Shelford has launched his new Police and Crime Plan, which will be used to provide direction for how policing and crime services are delivered in the area.

Conservative PCC Mark Shelford
The Police and Crime Commissioner has a legal duty to produce and publish the plan, which sets out his priorities for the force area.
The four police and crime priorities are:
- Preventing and fighting crime
- Engaging, supporting and working with communities, victims and partner organisations
- Leading the police to be efficient and effective
- Increasing the legitimacy of, and public confidence in, the police and criminal justice system
The new plan also outlines how the PCC will hold newly appointed Chief Constable Sarah Crew to account, including how the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) will support the PCC in monitoring and scrutinising the performance of Avon and Somerset Police.
The PCC and OPCC ran a survey process for 12 weeks and residents were asked for their views on proposed topics to include in the plan. Over 4,100 responses were received.
The responses from the survey highlighted that people agreed with the PCC’s proposed topics and priorities with the agreement levels ranging from 71%- 93%.
PCC Mark Shelford said: “As the new PCC for Avon and Somerset, I am determined that local people will have the most efficient, effective and legitimate police service that meets the needs of communities while delivering the best value for money.
“My vision is to lead the force to reassure our communities by building a culture that puts the emphasis on policing back onto the prevention of crime.
“My Plan will support to me do this through focusing on strengthening partnership working, greater visibility, better engagement within communities, early intervention, reducing reoffending and, most importantly, improving the outcomes and support for victims and witnesses of crime.
“My Plan will focus the service on the Peelian Principles and really get to the heart of what it means to police by consent – that basic mission to prevent crime and disorder that is dependent on the support, approval and respect of the public.
“Legitimacy and confidence is the backbone of our model of policing by consent, without which it does not work.
“Finally, it is clear that we cannot tackle all crime issues in isolation; there are problems that impact our communities that we know cannot be solved through policing alone.
“Only by working together, with our partners and local people, will we find solutions that make our communities safer for all and strengthen the culture of learning and inclusivity that has been established in Avon and Somerset Police.
“My promise to you is that I will use my role, as your PCC, and do everything in my power to bring those partners together to work hard to deliver effective and efficient services across Avon and Somerset.”
Chief Constable Sarah Crew added: “The PCC and I have a unified vision of delivering outstanding policing for everyone and this Plan sets out a roadmap for this journey, defining our individual roles and, crucially, allowing the public to hold us to account.
“The prevention of crime is at the core of this Plan and we’re committed to pursuing those who commit the most crime, present the most significant harm and are the most corrosive to our communities.
“Working together with our criminal justice system and third sector partners, we’ll catch and disrupt offenders and prioritise intervention and prevention work to reduce offending and re-offending.”
To view the plan, visit: https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/about/police-and-crime-plan-2021-2025/.