PCC Sue Mountstevens is asking for local people to send her questions around a number of topics, ahead of the next Facebook live event with the Chief Constable Andy Marsh later this month.
The topics will explore knife crime, hate crime, how the police are using technology and what an additional £1 for policing from local households could be spent on.
PCC Sue Mountstevens said: “It’s important that the Chief Constable and I are open, accessible and accountable.
“These Facebook live webchats are not only an opportunity for local people to have their say, but being able to live stream these meetings, every couple of months, it allows me to regularly put your questions to the Chief Constable and hold him to account publicly.
“It’s important that local people are able to as their Chief Constable questions about knife crime, hate crime, how the police are using technology and what local people’s money will be spent on.
“I invite you to think about our latest discussion topics and send in your questions for me to put to the Chief Constable. I hope that you contact us with your challenging questions.”
The webchat will be broadcast on Facebook live via: www.facebook.com/AandSPCC
You can submit your questions by email or by calling 01278 646543. You can also send us your questions on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #PCCLive
Chief Constable Andy Marsh is responsible for day-to-day operational policing and has direction and control of the Constabulary’s officers and staff.
It is the PCC’s responsibility to set the strategic direction for policing in Avon and Somerset and hold the Chief Constable to account for delivering policing.
The Facebook live chat will take place on Wednesday, 17th October, at 2.30pm.