Residents in Bath were able to have their say at the latest public forum hosted by Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sue Mountstevens and Chief Constable Andy Marsh.
Having their say on local policing concerns, those who attended put questions to the PCC and Chief Constable on the subjects of tackling terrorism, Bath’s policing presence and protecting vulnerable children from harm.
The meeting took place in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall in Bath and saw local residents hear from Bath and North East Somerset Council Leader Cllr Tim Warren, the PCC and Chief Constable, before receiving a presentation on local policing from Bath’s Acting Inspector Sarah Dinnis.
PCC Sue Mountstevens said: “I’m really grateful to all those who joined us for our latest public forum in Bath. It’s really important I continue to have honest and open conversations with local people about their police service and the forums enable me to do this.
“I’d like to thank those residents who took the time to travel from across the area and share their policing priorities with us.
“I want you to know that we are listening to the problems you’re having with large gatherings of people, CCTV issues and road safety concerns.
“Working together with Bath and North East Somerset Council, our partners across the city of Bath and our wider communities, we will do all we can to ensure you are safe and feel safe in your communities.”
Following the presentations, audience members were then invited to put their questions to the PCC and Chief Constable during a question and answer session. Other question topics included working with partners, cycling on pavements and speed-restricted roads.
The meeting was streamed on Facebook Live and can be found online at, where you can also view the presentations given on the evening. Notes taken from the question and answer session will be published by the PCC’s office soon.
The next public forum will take place on Thursday 1st February. A location and venue will be confirmed in due course.