Avon and Somerset Police are appealing for information from the public after more than 400 carpet cleaners were stolen from a warehouse in Midsomer Norton.
The burglary happened at the premises in the Westfield Industrial Estate over the May Bank Holiday weekend and was discovered and reported on Tuesday 31st May.
It’s believed the thieves would have needed to use a lorry to remove the stolen items, which included soft drinks as well as the carpet cleaners.
The carpet cleaners were a batch which had not been released for sale as they had not met the manufacturer’s product performance standards.
A spokesperson said the firm had identified a minor issue with the units which means they do not reach optimum performance.
Officers are appealing for anyone who has been offered any of carpet cleaners or soft drinks in unusual circumstances or who noticed anything suspicious in this area of Midsomer Norton to get in touch.
You can contact police either through their website, www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact or by calling 101 quoting reference 5216118076.
Alternatively ring the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or through their website, www.crimestoppers-uk.org. They never ask your name or trace your call and you could qualify for a reward.