An independent planning inspector has dismissed objections against enough land being earmarked by the Council for new homes over the next 15 years.
The planner had to decide whether to allow the strategy to proceed with hearings scheduled for the next three months focussing on key aspects of the strategy.
This plan by the Council earmarks 12,700 homes to be built across the area over the next 15 years.
The independent Planning Inspector dismissed the objections that the plan did not take account of unmet housing need from other areas, like Bristol.
Councillor Tim Ball (Lib-Dem, Twerton), Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, said, “It is good news that the Core Strategy will proceed. Let’s be clear. Had the Inspector called a halt to the process, this would have played into the hands of developers and encouraged speculative development proposals around our area in unsustainable locations. Most probably, these locations would have resulted in a free for all green field land grab.
“The Core Strategy focuses development on brownfield sites as far as possible and seeks to limit the use of Green Belt land to achieve our homes target to support local need.”
The Examination will now continue enabling all parties to have their say in the number of houses being proposed and the locations for development.