An independent transport review is to be commissioned as part of B&NES Council’s commitment to making it easier for residents, businesses and visitors to get around the area.
The Council will appoint an independent transport expert to lead the review, which will consider existing and future transport issues around Bath and North East Somerset.
The transport review will begin as soon as possible.
Councillor Tim Warren (Conservative, Mendip), Leader of the Council, said: “Before the election I committed to undertaking an independent review to ensure that we are taking the most appropriate action both in the long and short term, and improve the way we deliver transport priorities in the future – serving the interests of our residents, businesses and visitors.
“I have asked the Council to commission an independent expert to undertake the transport review.
“The scope of the review will ensure that the delivery of major road works is carried out in a joined-up way, in order to make it easier to get around Bath and North East Somerset.
“I am sure the review will help us to focus our efforts on improving the transport infrastructure across the district so that we can do things better in the future.”