In a first for the local Health and Wellbeing Board, a live webcast of their November meeting is to be broadcast live online thanks to the Council.
Local residents will be able to tune in and watch live as the meeting is taking place, as well as through a catch-up facility which will allow people to skip to whichever agenda item they are interested in.
Cllr Simon Allen (Lib-Dem, Radstock), Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “We are committed to encouraging greater transparency and involving residents, providers and local groups in our decision making. ‘Throwing open the doors’ on our meetings and making them available to watch online is one of the ways we can do this.
The system – which is operated by Bath & North East Somerset Council – is very easy to use and people can now get involved and participate, even from the comfort of their own homes!”
The 6th November 2013 Health and Wellbeing Board meeting will take place from 2pm-4pm in the Brunswick Room, Guildhall, Bath and a full agenda pack will be published in the week prior to the meeting on Bath & North East Somerset Council’s website.
Those with an interest in health and wellbeing issues are also encouraged to follow Bath & North East Somerset Council on Twitter @bathnes to access the latest updates on the Board and take part in discussions online using the hashtag #HWB.
Pat Foster, from Healthwatch B&NES and a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board added: “I am really excited by this development and welcome the opportunity for residents and patients to have a greater involvement in the democratic process.
“We have also recently developed a Health and Wellbeing Network where interested groups meet regularly to discuss key health and wellbeing issues. This discussion is then fed back to the Board, helping to ensure that the views of local people and groups are an integral part of the decision making process. More information on this network can be found on our website”