Local residents are being invited to comment on council plans for the continuation of the adult advice and information services over the coming years.
The strategy sets out how services will be targeted towards the most vulnerable people in society and makes clear to the public what service that they can expect from the Council in the future.
Councillor Simon Allen (Lib-Dem, Radstock), Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, said: “Over recent years there have been a range of changes in both the type of advice available and the amount of money available from Central Government at our disposal to fund adult social services. This strategy reflects those changes and makes clear that our priority must be the most vulnerable people in society.
“We are also setting out what the public should expect from our advice and information services, whether bought from another organisation to provide on our behalf or offered directly by the Council.
“For example, people should expect to know how and where to get the information and advice that they need and get the right information and advice the first time they seek it.
“Now, we want to hear views about the strategy from the public, service users and current information providers.”
The draft strategy by the council can be found at http://democracy.bathnes.gov.uk/documents/s28291/Appx%201%20Draft%20AI%20Strategy.pdf
The consultation process has started and will run until 24th January 2014.
In addition to a Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on 17th January, the public can respond online via: http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/AandIstrategysurvey
The Cabinet will agree the strategy in February 2014.