Bath & North East Somerset Council will start work on Monday 24th April to prepare the High Street for the implementation of a new layout to reduce traffic through the busy shopping area.
A temporary one-way system will be used from Monday 24th to Friday 28th April followed by a full closure of the High Street over the Bank Holiday weekend.
The road will re-open on Tuesday 2nd May with the new layout fully in place.
The one-way trial is being carried out following public support during consultation on the B&NES Placemaking Plan and the Keynsham Transport Strategy which aims to reduce the impact of traffic, improve air quality and would allow future improvements to the pedestrian environment.
Under the trial, a one-way system will work southbound on the High Street towards Bath Hill. At the end of the High Street, all traffic except buses will need to turn left.
The current roundabout at the top of Bath Hill will be removed, creating a junction here between the High Street and Bath Hill/Temple Street. A cycle contraflow will be created northbound running parallel to the footway.
As part of the scheme the Council has taken to the opportunity to permanently improve traffic movement by building a bus layby in Ashton Way and will be signalising the crossing on Charlton Road.
More details regarding the trial are available on the Council’s web site at: