Residents across Bath and North East Somerset are being given the chance to have their say on the next steps in the development of the new activity park at Entry Hill.

A map of the proposed design for Entry Hill
Following a procurement exercise, it was revealed in March that B&NES Council had appointed Pedal Progression to create a new mountain bike and family cycling centre at the former golf course site.
The local authority is now inviting the public to help shape the final project and wants the community to submit their suggestions or concerns on the layout, design, accessibility and sustainability of the site.
It is hoped the park will open in spring 2022 and aims to provide more people with the opportunity to enjoy the site by bike or on foot, linking to new and existing cycle routes.
B&NES Council says the new use of the site will cater for bikers, families, walkers and nature-lovers, providing free access to park areas and trails for walking and cycling, a learn-to-ride area with pump track and a new natural play park.
New wildlife habitats and wider biodiversity will be encouraged with a nature garden, pond, tree planting and community growing area. There will also be a new and expanded café with seating and viewing areas across the park.
Ahead of the project’s completion, Pedal Progression will also be providing a summer programme of cycling and activity events for children during the school holidays. A temporary café will also be opened.
The park consultation page can be viewed here. A consultation on traffic and parking is open and consultations on the other topics will begin on 19th July. Paper surveys are available on request by emailing [email protected].
The consultation closes on 6th September.
Councillor Jess David, cabinet assistant for Neighbourhood Services, said: “This exciting new park supports our commitment to get more people, more active, more often and is going to rejuvenate this important green space in the heart of Bath.
“Although providing biking facilities for all ages and abilities is an important part of the plans, there are wider elements such as the community spaces and biodiversity enhancements that we need your views on too.

Entry Hill Golf Course in Bath | Photo © B&NES Council
“Please help us shape a brilliant and sustainable multi-use park for Bath by having your say in the consultation.”
The temporary café, initially open from 29th July to 28th August from 10am to 4pm while summer holiday activities are running, will act as an information point for residents to find out more about the park plans.
Matt George, Director at Pedal Progression, said: “We are excited to be able to move to this stage of the process and to get the views of the community.
“There are many factors that will shape the final design, these include the visual landscape, ecology, location of houses, traffic and parking and noise considerations.
“We have considered these in our concept designs but now need to refine these based on the feedback from the community.”
The park will also:
- Provide activities for under 18s and help to strengthen communities through providing volunteering opportunities and creating spaces to be used by the whole community.
- Focus on providing new opportunities for adults and young people with disabilities through cycling.
- Provide opportunities for wider community engagement; through offering regular community events, recruitment of ‘community ambassadors’ and free access to the ticketed elements of the park for community organisations.
- The car park and toilets will be open on days when Pedal Progression activities are running and when the café is open.
The activity timetable will include off-road cycling for five to 14-year-olds, Forest School, Super Pirates, a nature spotting trail and photo and drawing competitions.