Generous volunteers from Lloyds Bank gave their time last month to help two local families with home redecorating tasks, as part of Lloyds ‘Day to Make a Difference’ programme.
The programme involves all employees being given time off to take part in voluntary work.
Volunteering forms part of the Banking Group’s Helping Britain Prosper Plan where the Group has committed 2.3m volunteering hours by its colleagues in support of community projects by 2020.
The recipients were nominated by the Carers’ Centre charity staff; parent-carer Heather Thomas, who looks after her son with autism along with three other children, and a young carer, Amber Rose Quibell, 14, who cares for her mother Maria.
Sarah Hasted, a Senior Manager at Lloyds, said: “Colleagues in the Employee Relations team in Bristol had already provided HR advice on a voluntary basis to the Carer’s Centre and, understanding the great work and support that is carried out by the charity, saw an opportunity to get the rest of the team involved for this year’s Day to Make a Difference.
“The team of 18 were particularly keen to help families with young carers where our accrued, albeit amateur, DIY and decorating skills may be best utilised. Seeing the end results and the reaction of the family was very rewarding.”
Maria Quibell said the DIY was for her daughter’s room and an opportunity to show Amber Rose how much she was appreciated in what she does for her mother.
Amber Rose was surprised and overcome when she came home from school.
“When Amber Rose came home from school to see her new bedroom she cried with happiness and hugged each of the volunteers. They had helped install her new bed, painted the room and provided all new soft furnishings.” said Maria.
“The volunteers were so lovely and they wouldn’t let me help, just said it was their gift to me.” she added.