Last year was another year when the services of the Somer Valley Foodbank were in high demand, with 488 vouchers issued to people in food crisis and over 1,000 people were fed across the local area.
Whilst numbers seemed to be falling off at the beginning of the year there had been a steady increase in the latter months and weeks before Christmas.
The volunteer-led Tesco food collection in December yielded plenty of Christmas products which were given as extras to families to make sure they had enough food on their tables and a few treats over the Christmas break.
Enough food has been coming in through the year to be able to keep Foodbank distribution centres well supplied.
Organisers have been grateful to all the churches, businesses and individuals from across the Somer Valley who have supported them with food donations.
Joy Fraser, Chair of the Foodbank Management Committee, said: “It is a privilege to be able to help families in crisis with food and it is clear that the Foodbank is still needed.
“Even though economically things appear to be improving, there are still many people who find themselves in crisis and without food.”
Jane Street, who oversees the distribution centres where clients come for the food added: “Our distribution centres are busy most weeks.
“Clients are welcomed and offered a hot drink and if they want to they can talk to a volunteer who can signpost them to other services who may be able to offer support.”
Two Somer Valley Foodbank clients said: “I am very appreciative, thanks very much. The staff were lovely and friendly to talk to so I didn’t feel uneasy. Thank you for helping,” and “The Foodbank was very helpful and much appreciated. This was a lifesaver and we are thankful for this help.”
People who find themselves in food crisis need to obtain a Foodbank voucher from a professional agency such as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, DHI, Children’s Services or other B&NES services.
Joy added: ‘Our thanks go to all our donors and supporters who have continued to give food and donations throughout the year, and to our amazing volunteers who give up their time to work in the warehouse, distribution centres and to help with food collections.”