Residents across the Bath area are being reminded that exercising in parks and open spaces is permitted under the current lockdown restrictions, but there shouldn’t be any socialising.

Royal Victoria Park in Bath | Photo © Colin Peachey
Skateboarders are also being told not to use the skate parks in Royal Victoria Park or Alice Park.
The message from Bath & North East Somerset Council has come at a point where the number of cases of COVID-19 continue to rise rapidly and among people of all ages.
The local authority is urging people to stay home and to pay attention to the rules which currently state you can exercise with your household, or support bubble, or one other person.
This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble.
You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes, such as for a picnic or a social meeting.
Councillor Dine Romero, council leader, said: “While it is important that we get our daily exercise it does not mean we can go out to socialise.
“Our parks are valuable spaces and good for our health but they should not become spaces for transmitting this terrible disease. Our message is exercise but don’t socialise.
“We have all seen the very stark messages from Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer, about the severe pressure the NHS is under.
“We are appealing locally to you to please follow the stay home rules. By doing so you will be helping to save lives.”