Help for a healthier and happier future is being offered to residents and businesses across the city at a free event being held in Bath later this month.
Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Achieve in B&NES service is offering people a review of their finances, career and wellbeing at the Midlife MOT event at the Apex Hotel on 27th February.
The event aims to help residents to reflect where they are personally and professionally as well as help businesses to pinpoint areas to improve and make sure their future is as healthy and happy as possible.
Employers will receive advice, guidance and tools on how to support, upskill and retain their workforce and individuals will be offered guidance to review their finances, career, health and wellbeing.
People attending will have the chance to hear from guest speakers including Bath College, Aviva, ACAS, Business in the Community and Mindflex, as well as take part in workshops on topics such as writing CVs and digital skills.
The event runs from 10am-4pm and entry and refreshments are free.
Councillor Rob Appleyard, cabinet member for Adult Services, said: “We all know that we need to preserve our health, finances and job satisfaction as we get older, but many of us lead such busy lives that we forget to check if we’re doing the best for ourselves that we possibly can.
“As well as helping residents with finances, career and wellbeing, this great networking event will also be informative for businesses about the best way to support their staff’s health and career progression during middle age and beyond.”
Many local and national organisations will be running exhibition stands at Midlife MOT including Credit Union, Legal & General, Bath Royal United Hospital, Talking Therapies and the council’s own Future Bright and HR apprenticeships representatives.
Tickets are available through this link: or by emailing [email protected].