More than 60 people have so far had their say on plans to build four houses on woodland next to Weston All Saints C of E Primary School, with opinion divided.
Context Planning Ltd submitted the plans for the site at Osborne’s Lane earlier this month as we reported at the time.
The site, known locally as Westbrook Woodlands, was until recently used as a pig paddock.
It borders the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Green Belt, as well as houses at Westbrook Park, Symes Park and Broadmoor Lane. The primary school shares a boundary fence.
The planning application says all the mature trees will be retained and 14 new ones planted.
Comments of support posted on Bath & North East Somerset Council’s planning portal include: “This is a great use of a previously neglected parcel of land supporting a mix of scrappy trees and bushes with a few notable species which are worthy of protecting.”
One observed: “Sensitive proposals like this are the perfect way to develop land that adjoins fully urban and fully rural areas. Great-looking design that will complement Weston village, if we can’t support development proposals like this, we can forget delivering the housing targets.”
Another said: “This looks like a village-enhancing development. The land has historically been left in an overgrown and unmanaged state and subject to trespass and public nuisance.
“Creating a small number of homes will have no impact on the local infrastructure and will provide a much-improved addition to the village.
“This is exactly the type of development that should receive unanimous support as we seek to increase housing stock and transform areas that, quite frankly, have been abandoned for too long.”
But there have so far been a similar number of comments against the proposals.
One objector said: “The local community has worked hard to celebrate and manage the green space of the adjacent orchard and this is appreciated by many in the local and wider community – winning awards for the promotion of biodiversity.
“This development will not benefit the local community. There will be very minimal impact on the local housing supply. The development is labelled as luxury housing which suggests that local people will not benefit.
“The children attending the local primary school benefit from being in proximity to the woodland and the associated connection with nature supports positive wellbeing.
“This will be negatively affected if the development is approved. The loss of important wildlife and ecosystems is unacceptable, particularly in times of ecosystem decline and climate emergency.
“The lane provides a safe and sustainable travel route essential for families and young children going to and from WASPS primary school.
“This is particularly important as the overloaded travel route through Broadmoor Lane becomes increasingly congested and potentially dangerous.”
Another said: “I wish to object to this application as Westbrook Woodland is a unique green space, on the edge of Weston, which has seen so much development in recent years.
“It is therefore essential to preserve it for the wellbeing of the extensive wildlife that use it for survival, as well as for all who walk, cycle or ride horses along it, to get to school or for healthy relaxation, avoiding use of a car.”
One objector highlighted that the woodland has more than 20 200-year-old trees in it and the lane and area are tranquil and beautiful: “Building these houses would be devastating for the bat species as well as the whole ecological system of the woodland.
“These houses are out of place and it’s not okay to grant permission for builders to come and destroy this ancient ecological habitat.
“Go and build on a brownfield site somewhere else that needs renovating. It is appalling if this is allowed to go ahead.”
The deadline for comments is 5th September. The planning reference is 24/03057/FUL.