Local schools and churches have been collecting food at their Harvest Festivals for the Somer Valley Foodbank and it has yielded a bumper crop for the charity.
This year 1.8 tonnes of food has been donated which will go to help people who find themselves in food crisis for whatever reason.
Somer Valley Foodbank Warehouse Manager Peter Leycock said: “A big thank you goes to any individual or organisation that has contributed to this amazing donation of food. We are very grateful for the support.”
The Foodbank continues to help people who struggle to put food on the table, many of whom are in work but on low incomes. With the new cap on benefits coming in there is concern that there will be more people unable at times to feed their families.
Chair of the Foodbank, Joy Fraser commented: “Our figures to the end of September 2016 show a slight increase over the previous year in the number of people coming to the Foodbank for help.
“We are concerned that more local people may struggle with the benefit changes and if they do they should find an agency that holds our vouchers and come along to get food for their families.
“There is always a warm welcome and a cup of tea at our distribution centres.
“Agencies who hold our vouchers include Citizen’s Advice Bureau, DHI, Health Visitors, Welfare Support Services, Sirona, Curo and several B&NES support services.”
Somer Valley Foodbank is holding a food collection at Tesco’s in Midsomer Norton on Thursday 1st, Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd December, when shoppers can buy and donate items to the Foodbank.
Every individual or family who goes to the Foodbank in December will be given an extra bag with some Christmas treats that they may not be able to afford themselves.
Joy added: “We are very grateful to Tesco’s for their support for the Foodbank and if anyone is shopping there that weekend do come and find us.”
The Foodbank committee is looking for a volunteer administrator to join the team. They will take minutes at meetings held every two months on a Thursday morning. They will also need to keep the website and Facebook page up to date plus some other administrative duties.
For more information, call Joy Fraser on 07947 008042, or fill in an application form available on the website: www.somervalleyfoodbank.org.uk.