MP Wera Hobhouse has called on B&NES Council to back the bid to have the historic Mineral Water Hospital building, sometimes known as the ‘Min’, classified as an Asset of Community Value.
Wera said: “I think the proposal put forward by the Bath Preservation Trust is the right way to save this iconic and historic building for the people of Bath.
“It’s an important part of our history, and it is such a shame that this Conservative government is forcing the NHS to sell off assets like this.”
“What we need is a plan to make this an active, community space, right in the heart of our city, and I think the possible link with fashion is an exciting one.
I hope the Council will look urgently at this option, as time is running out. This is an excellent opportunity for the Council to intervene and shape the future of Bath.
Recognising the old Mineral Water Hospital building as an Asset of Community Value, under the Localism Act, would then give interested parties 6 months to put together a funding package and make an offer to the RUH.