People living in Peasedown St John are the surrounding areas are being given another opportunity to find out more about dementia, thanks to a free upcoming information session.

Association Secretary, Nathan Hartley
Peasedown St John Residents’ Association is running the event in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society.
The information session will be held at St John’s Community Hall on Wednesday 21st November at 1pm. The session will last for one hour.
Association Secretary, Nathan Hartley said: “One in four people will be affected by dementia in their lifetimes, especially those diagnosed with clinical anxiety in middle age, which is why it’s important to work with individuals and their families to try and make life much easier for those who have it.
“A recent report made recommendations to the government about the need to continue to raise awareness of dementia, and the work that can be done to make our communities more dementia friendly.
“Working with a range of community and voluntary sector groups, we are determined to do just that with this free public event.”
Set up by the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Awareness Sessions have been running across the country for many years and focus on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia.
By holding information workshops in towns, villages and cities across the UK, the society’s ambition is to work with people affected by dementia and key partners to develop dementia-friendly communities.
By doing so, people will be more aware of and understand more about dementia, and people living with dementia will feel included in their community.
Association Chair, Joy Gosz: “We want to meet as many people as possible and make them aware of dementia, its effects and how we as a community can support those who live with it.”
Any member of the public who would like to find out more about dementia is invited to go along to the event on Wednesday 21st November, 1pm at St John’s Community Hall, St John’s Close, Peasedown St John, BA2 8JG. Refreshments will be provided.
Registration is not essential, but to give the organisers an idea of the number of people wanting to attend, email your interest to [email protected].