Litter along some of the busiest roads across Bath and North East Somerset is to be tackled during a seven-week clean-up operation.

Last year’s litter picking | Photo courtesy of B&NES Council
B&NES Council’s cleansing teams will be picking up litter thrown onto verges and in hedgerows on A and B roads across the area.
Traffic management will be in place as the teams clean up more than 150 miles of verges, at a cost of £18,000 to the council.
Last year crews collected more than 188 bags of unnecessary waste weighing in at 3.5 tonnes, the equivalent of a light goods vehicle.
Councillor David Wood, joint cabinet member for Neighbourhood Services and Climate Emergency, said: “The rubbish in our hedgerows and verges is completely unnecessary and is only there because of people’s carelessness.
“Most of it is fast-food packaging and items thrown from vehicles. Litter is not only an eyesore but damages the environment and wildlife too.
“Our clean-up operation is expensive, time-consuming and dangerous for our crews and it’s frustrating that this time and money could be better spent on other essential services for residents.
“However, we want to keep our countryside looking beautiful, which is why we have dedicated funding to carry this out each year.
“We apologise for any inconvenience caused to drivers during the clean-up.”