Residents living in Tintagel Close in Keynsham got together to show their appreciation for their neighbourhood by taking part in a community clear-up last Thursday, 18th April.
Residents of Tintagel Close organised a litter pick with staff from local housing association Curo.
Staff from the nearby Co-Operative Food store on Queens Road also helped with the clear-up, and provided refreshments and hot cross buns for the litter pickers.
Curo, who manage homes on Tintagel Close, also recently helped people there to set up a new residents’ association.
Sharon Tucker, chair of the Tintagel Close residents’ association said: “The community clear-up was a great opportunity for people to get together and have some fun, meet their neighbours and help spruce up the courtyard area.”
Colleen Stothard, secretary of the residents’ association, added: “It was nice to see so many people from Tintagel Close of all ages come out and join us, especially the kids who had a great time. We’d like to thank Curo and the Co-Op for helping us out too.
“Tintagel Close is a great place, I really like living here. The residents’ association is bringing people together. We’ve got lots planned for the summer including a movie night, a barbeque and activities for kids.”
Over twenty bags of rubbish were collected by the litter pickers. Helen Crew, Service Support Manager at Curo, said: “It was a really enjoyable day. It was great to see Curo and customers working together to achieve such an excellent result.”