The annual Bath in Bloom competition is calling for entries from keen gardeners across the Bath and North East Somerset area, set to be judged in July.
The Chairman of Bath in Bloom, Leila Wishart, said: “Whether you have a small front garden, allotment, a large garden or are a business with any flowers on show, then we would welcome your entry.”
There are various different categories of entry suitable for private gardeners, shops, pubs and other businesses and for allotment holders.
Entries will be judged in July and prize winners have the chance to win a voucher and attendance at a prize giving event.
Divisional Director for Environmental Services at Bath & North East Somerset Council, Martin Shields, said: “It’s always lovely to see the work of our keen gardeners who put great effort into their entries for this competition.
“Not only do those taking part benefit from the lovely displays created, but so do all the people living, working and visiting around Bath and North East Somerset. I look forward to seeing their hard work come to fruition in the summer months.”
The deadline to enter this year’s competition is Monday 29th May.
To find out more about the categories and judging, visit the Bath in Bloom web page on the Council’s web site here.
You can download an entry form or contact Leila Wishart on 01225 837885, or email [email protected].