‘Help is here’ says the Somer Valley Foodbank, as new stats show half of children helped by foodbanks over the summer holiday months are primary school students.
New data published by anti-poverty charity The Trussell Trust reveals that last summer 47% of children who received support from foodbanks in its network were 5-11 years old.
The figures also show that 4,412 more three day emergency food supplies were given to children in July and August 2016 than in the previous two months.
67,506 three day emergency food supplies were provided for children by The Trussell Trust’s foodbank network in July and August 2016 compared to 63,094 in May and June 2016.
Between July and August 2016, of all 67, 506 three day emergency food supplies from The Trussell Trust foodbank network that went to children:
- 27% went to 0-4 year olds;
- 47% went to 5-11 year olds;
- 21% went to 12-16 year olds;
- 5% went to children for whom their age was not known
Reacting to the new statistics, The Somer Valley Foodbank has urged local families to seek help if they find themselves struggling this summer, and asks local people able to donate to support their work in the community.
Paul Woodward, the Foodbank Manager said: “Lots of people are just getting by day-to-day but find their income simply won’t stretch to meet the extra pressure of missing free school meals or paying for extra childcare during the holidays.
“Help is here. The foodbank really is run for the community, by the community; it’s all about helping each other and recognizing that nobody in should face going hungry.
“We can only continue to provide this crucial support with the community’s help; we rely on local donations to run the foodbank. An emergency food parcel, cup of tea and a listening ear at the foodbank can have such an impact, so any donations will make a real difference.
“Everyone who comes to the foodbank is referred by a frontline professional who holds our vouchers, and that’s why we’d encourage anyone worried they won’t be able to afford food during this school holiday to talk to social services, family support workers, health visitors, Citizen’s advice, housing Association or the Salvation Army”.
The new age insights from The Trussell Trust’s data collection system also reveal the percentage of primary school children helped by foodbanks is consistently high all-year round (46% of all children referred between April 2016 and March 2017 were between 5-11), highlighting the need for support throughout the year, not only in the holidays.
Foodbanks will continue to work all-year round to establish strong working relationships with local agencies to ensure families in need can be referred to the foodbank for emergency food and support.
David McAuley, Chief Executive for The Trussell Trust, said: “Over a third of all the food distributed by foodbanks in our network consistently goes to children, but these new figures show 5 to 11 year-olds are more likely than other children to receive a foodbank’s help.
“This highlights just how close to crisis many families are living. We can all make a difference – checking which food your local foodbank is running low on and donating to make sure emergency food is available when people are referred to help is a simple and effective way to get involved.
“You could be helping a family that lives on your street.”
For up-to-date lists of urgently needed food, information about where donations can be left and to contact the foodbank about possible collection points, visit www.somervalley.foodbank.org.uk or phone 07729523986.