The long-term future of Peasedown St John’s Youth Hub has been secured, with B&NES Council agreeing to lease the building to the Parochial Church Council of St John’s Church in the village.
The lease to the Parochial Church Council will be at a nominal rent for the next 30 years.
The decision will retain the Youth Hub as a community asset and ensure the continued provision of open access positive activities for young people in the village, whilst contributing towards a £500,000 saving from the Youth Connect budget.
The purpose-built facility in Bath Road will now re-open as The Hive Community Centre – run by a group of volunteers from local churches and the community.
Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “I’m delighted we’ve been able secure the long-term future of this key service in Peasedown St John, which highly valued by the community.
“St John’s Church will continue to provide open access activities for young people, but also has exciting future plans for the building, which will benefit the entire community.
“The church has a very good track record of managing similar projects and the long lease will provide them with the best opportunity to attract funding from outside bodies, invest in the building and make it financially viable.”
Joy Fraser, who chairs the new steering group that runs The Hive, said: “Our vision is to be the centre for excellence for community activities and events in Peasedown St John and surrounding areas and to be the first choice for those planning activities, events, training and meetings.
“We want to provide a safe environment in which members of the community of Peasedown St John, of all ages, can be encouraged to realise their maximum potential.
“We are extremely grateful to the support we’ve received from across the village and from Bath & North East Somerset Council to help us get this far.”
Following the restructuring of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Youth Connect Service in 2018, the council held a series of public meetings inviting organisations to take over the management and delivery of open access youth work in its three Youth Hubs, whilst providing activities for the wider community.
The Riverside Youth Hub has subsequently been leased to Mentoring Plus and the public service mutual Youth Connect has taken over responsibility for the Southside Youth Hub.
Under the terms of the lease for the Peasedown St John Youth Hub, St John’s Church will ensure the delivery of accessible, ‘open access’ positive activities for young people aged 13-19, two evenings per week (two hours per evening, 44 weeks per year).
The activities will be designed in conjunction with young people to improve their well-being in line with the local Children and Young People’s plan.
The building will also be used to host a range of activities and events for residents of all ages.
Organisations that already make regular use of the premises will be allowed remain for at least 12 months from the date of the lease agreement and be given three months’ notice of any change in terms.
Peasedown St John Primary School will retain full use of the sports hall and the outside multi-use games area throughout the school day, Monday to Friday during term-time, until it has its own suitable facility.
St John’s Church has set up a dedicated committee to oversee all aspects of running the building, including fundraising, under the auspices of its Parochial Church Council which is a registered charity.
The new management committee is holding an open day at the centre on Saturday 8th February, 10am-1pm, for people to find out what will be on offer at The Hive.
Joy Fraser added: “We want to hear from community groups, businesses and hirers who’d be interested in using the building.
“We have a multitude of rooms and workspaces that meet a variety of needs, not to forget our Art Room, Sports Hall and Outside Sport’s Court.”
The Hive Project has received the backing of all the village’s churches, both ward councillors, the Chair of the Parish Council and a number of charitable trusts who have given financial backing to the new centre.