Householders across Bath and North East Somerset who are on low-incomes may now be eligible for financial help to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes.
Bath & North East Somerset Council has won additional funding from the government to expand its Green Home Grants Scheme, and is now for the first time extending the scheme to houses with a D energy rating as well as those with an E, F or G rating.
Residents of qualifying properties, whose household’s joint annual income is less than £30,000, can apply for a council Green Affordable Warmth Grant to upgrade their home with double glazing, insulation or low carbon-heating.
Improvements for homeowners will be fully funded with an average of £10,000 available, while renters and owner-occupiers may be eligible for upgrades with landlords receiving up to two-thirds of the cost, up to an average of £5,000, dependent on the work required.
The upgrade required for a property will be identified by a property retrofit assessment visit.
Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for Housing, Planning and Economic Development, said: “This is great news as a very large number of properties fall into the category D energy efficiency rating.
“The extra help being provided will ensure many more people who are vulnerable and on a low income will be able to keep their home warm while keeping their heating bills down.
“Reducing energy consumption will also help us to tackle the Climate Emergency and help B&NES achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.”
Householders can find out more and apply for funding via the council’s Energy At Home Service.
The service offers free information on energy efficiency improvement and grants and loans available. Visit the website at or call 0800 038 5680.
If you don’t know the energy rating of your home, the council’s delivery provider WE Care will carry out a rating on your property.
Anyone needing emergency help for a cold home should call the council’s Housing Standards and Improvement Team on 01225 396444.