Foster carers, who between them have collectively clocked up almost 200 years of service looking after children and young people in B&NES, have been recognised at a special awards ceremony.
Foster carers from across Bath and North East Somerset were presented with awards for their dedication and care when they attended the event at Bath’s Guildhall.
Among them were Sandra and Richard Lee who received the Chief Executive’s Award for Lifetime Achievement after notching up almost 40 years of fostering more than 100 children and young people.
Long service certificates were given to eleven other fosters who have each dedicated decades to looking after children as part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Fostering Service.
At the event, hosted by BBC Points West’s Ali Vowles, nominees and award winners were praised for their dedication, hard work and loyalty and for playing their part in making a difference to children’s lives.
Councillor Paul May (Conservative, Publow and Whitchurch), Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “Our marvellous foster carers deserve this recognition.
“This year we have achieved so much together in Children’s Services which was rated Good by Ofsted. Our foster carers’ exceptional work with young people around the clock is part of that success.
“It is a service which is always looking for more people to come forward and give children and young people in care the help and support they need and deserve.
“I would urge anyone who is inspired by our award-winning foster carers to get in touch and find out how they too can make a difference.”
To find out about Fostering for Bath & North East Somerset Council go to or call 01225 394949.
You can also go along to the Forum Coffee house on Tuesday 14th November to pick up some more information and talk to their staff.