An empty shop unit on the High Street in Twerton is being offered to the local community for organisations and groups to use for future services and outreach.
The unit on the busy High Street is being made available by landlords Greenacre Capital, as part of their ongoing commitment to breathe new life into the shopping area.
It is hoped the retail space, which was formerly a café, will be used by local traders as a pop-up shop or by charities and organisations for workshops or drop-in sessions.
A spokesman for Greenacre said: “We are really pleased to be able to make this unit available. We hope that it attracts the attention of existing or even new businesses and organisations in Bath that want to reach the Twerton Community.
“It would be great to see a newsagent or fruit and veg seller using it once a week or a charity like Citizens Advice Bureau or similar providing drop in sessions.
“In our partnership with Bath City FC we are committed to promoting Twerton and making the High Street a vibrant place.”
The available unit is approximately 1,050.sq.ft with a kitchenette, office and toilet facilities including baby changing, and will be rent free. The cost of utilities will also be covered.
For more information about the vacant unit, contact Shona Hernon on 07463 743029 or email [email protected].