Nearly £23,000 has so far been donated by residents across the area as part of a voluntary pilot scheme to fund local projects.
The B&NES Community Contribution Fund is administered by Bath & North East Somerset Council but is not used to supplement council services.
Charities, community and voluntary groups will be able to submit grant applications to the fund from this autumn, for projects that help reduce inequalities in the district.
A new e-newsletter has been set up to keep residents informed on the progress of the fund and the grant application process when it launches later this year.
You can subscribe for updates here.
Residents are still able to make contributions to the fund and can do so online. The minimum contribution is £5, however, there is no maximum contribution and it is possible to donate more than once.
Councillor Richard Samuel, Deputy Leader and cabinet member for Economic Development and Resources, said: “We are delighted with the positive response to this pilot and residents’ willingness to help fund local projects that improve people’s lives and support those who are most disadvantaged.
“The fund is still open and is an easy way in which people can help the vital work our local charities, voluntary groups and communities do.”
Contributions are separate to residents’ Council Tax contributions.
Contributors will not be able to request a particular project or area where their money is spent and priority will be given to projects that benefit the whole B&NES area.
After the one-year pilot, the scheme will be reviewed to determine whether a Trust should be established which would enable donations through Gift Aid.
Visit the Community Contribution Fund webpage here to find out more and to make a contribution online.