Bath & North East Somerset Council has welcomed the announcement of a £127,000 grant that will support young carers from across the area in making music with the aim of improving their wellbeing.
The National Foundation for Youth Music has awarded the grant to Bath Philharmonia, the city’s professional orchestra.
The money will be used to deliver a programme of music-making activities, helping young carers from across the South West to discover their musical talent and improve their levels of self-confidence.
The unique project aims to improve young carers’ wellbeing through music and will culminate in 14 performances across the South West.
Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “This is fantastic news for young carers across Bath and North East Somerset.
“There are many young people under the age of eighteen across Bath and North East Somerset who have a significant caring responsibility for someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.
“For many young carers caring can have a significant and long term impact on their physical and mental health, and wellbeing.
“Providing them with an opportunity to escape the pressures of daily life by making music can often be hugely beneficial.
“I really looking forward to hearing those who take part in the programme perform.”
Working in partnership with local Music Education Hubs, Bath Philharmonia will train music leaders from Plymouth, Torbay, Poole, Somerset and Bath & North East Somerset in delivering music-making activities to young carers.
Jason Thornton, Music Director at Bath Philharmonia added: “We’re delighted with this grant from Youth Music. Being a young carer can be very isolating.
“This grant will give young carers a safe place to play together, using music as an outlet for their self-expression and to share their life experiences.
“What’s more, by training local music leaders, even more young carers will be able to fulfil their musical potential.”
Many of the young people supported by the national charity Youth Music face significant challenges in their lives.
These may arise from poverty, disability, illness or mental health issues and other life circumstances such as being a carer or refugee.