Four flats in Bath, which have been empty for a number of years, are to be brought back into use by Bath’s & North East Somerset Council’s property development company Aequus Developments Ltd.
The flats in Kingsmead Square, Abbey Churchyard, Monmouth Street and Edgar Buildings had been leased to registered social landlords, but after remaining empty and falling into disrepair, were transferred back to the council.
Following a review of the business case for each of the four properties, the council has now transferred the flats to ADL to be refurbished and let, in line with the council’s commitment to improve the supply, quality and quantity of private rented housing across the district.
Tim Richens, managing director of Aequus Group, said: “An empty property is a wasted housing resource and can become a real blight on the community.
“This is fantastic example of the council and ADL working in partnership to bring empty properties back into use to meet housing needs in the heart of the city.
“The four flats, two one-bedroom and two two-bedroom properties, will be refurbished to a good standard and will provide much needed additional rental accommodation in the heart of the city together with additional revenue for the council.”
Work to refurbish the flats will begin shortly and it is hoped they will return to the rental market in spring 2020.
Earlier this year three similar empty properties in the city centre were transferred to ADL.
The flats in Broad Street Westgate Street and Parsonage Lane have now been refurbished and are let or in the process of being let via the company’s local letting agent Gregorys Estate Agent.