With high viewing figures, the BBC seem to have hit the red button with their all-singing Saturday night show All Together Now, which features Bath’s very own Grenville Jones.
Five heats on and with the 10 chosen finalists, this Saturday, 3rd March, will see the final with the top talented acts competing for a massive £50,000 prize.
Choir leader and Sing&Smile ‘Goldies’ charity founder Grenville Jones from Bath waves the West Country flag as one of ‘The 100’ judges from across the UK, who were invited to take part in the popular new BBC1 Saturday night talent show.
Grenville’s choir and charity commitments prevented him from attending all the Manchester filming dates but he is back in his hot seat, ready to press the red button and stand for the acts he likes on Saturday in the final.
Grenville leads hundreds of singers and 10 choirs across the region, including the celebrated Bath Male Choir.
His Goldies charity now has over 150 daytime Sing&Smile fun sessions for older people to attend across Wales (Goldies Cymru), South West England, The Midlands, Essex, Cornwall and Devon.
He also heads up a primary schools WW1 programme across the UK.
Grenville said: “Many people have told me how much they like the judging formula and we are all kept in order by former Spice Girl Geri Horner, who is great with all the acts.”
Staying tight-lipped about the result Grenville points out: “All the acts in the final start off with a clean sheet of course so their past performances do not count.
“It’s a great final and I hope gets people across the UK standing and singing along with their own favourites.”
All Together Now will be broadcast at 7.15pm on BBC One.