Bath & North East Somerset will enter Tier 2 restrictions from next Wednesday, 2nd December, as the national month-long lockdown comes to an end.
Despite the rate of coronavirus cases across Bath & North East Somerset steadily decreasing during the second lockdown, the High Alert restriction is being introduced to allow this to continue and reduce pressure on the NHS.
From next Wednesday, 2nd December, all retail will reopen, as will personal care including hairdressers and indoor leisure facilities.
Tier 2 restrictions mean that no mixing of households indoors is allowed, apart from support bubbles.
A maximum of six people are allowed to meet outdoors.
Pubs and bars must remain closed, unless they are operating as restaurants. Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals and must take final orders at 10pm before closing at 11pm.
Businesses are still being urged to allow their employees to work from home where possible, and residents are asked to keep the number of journeys they make to a minimum, by walking or cycling when they can.
More detailed Tier 2 restrictions include:
- Businesses and venues being allowed to operate, in a COVID-Secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs.
- Public attendance at outdoor and indoor events (performances and shows) being permitted, limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors
- Public attendance at spectator sport and business events resuming inside and outside, subject to social contact rules and limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors
- Places of worship remaining open but visitors must not socialise with people from outside of their household or support bubble while they are indoors there, unless a legal exemption applies
- Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on numbers of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies and receptions, 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, and 15 people can attend linked commemorative events such as wakes or stonesettings.
- Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue
Residents are being reminded that if they travel to a Tier 1 area, they must continue to follow Tier 2 rules.